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IPM Shabbat Morning Groups Guidelines:

Please follow the guidelines below to ensure the safety of your children, the decorum of the Shul and the success of our Shabbat Morning Groups Program.

We respectfully insist that all children attend either Youth Groups, Junior Minyan or Teen Minyan. Alternatively, children must sit with a parent in Shul during davening.

On Shabbat morning, children must be escorted to their designated groups.

Snacks and drinks will be provided on a weekly basis. If you would like to send your children to groups with their own snacks, please make sure that they are nut-free.

A parent must be onsite in order for a child to attend groups. Exceptions are made for IPM Member Shabbat Guests. We ask that you introduce the guest child to the youth directors so that they are aware of the addition to the group for the day.

Please explain to your children the importance of being respectful to the group leaders, the group members and to the IPM property.

Any child who acts in a disrespectful or dangerous manner may be asked to leave the group and will be escorted to a parent. If you are informed of an incident by a group leader, please do not send your child back to the group for the remainder of the group session.

If a child indicates to a Youth Leader that he/she does not wish to remain in groups, the child will be escorted to a parent. Children will not be allowed to wander between groups and the Shul; it is disruptive to the decorum of the davening. If a child leaves groups to go to a parent, he/she must stay with a parent.

Youth groups begin at 9:00 am and are provided for the following age groups:

Nursery-Kindergarten Boys and Girls; Boys Grades 1-2, Girls Grades 1-2, Boys Grades 3-4, Girls Grades 3-4.

Junior Minyan for Boys and Girls Grades 5-6 begins at 9:30 am and will be held in the Ann Falk room. We respectfully request that no adults enter this room during the time that the Junior Minyan is taking place.

Children of any age are not permitted to loiter in the hallways or outside of the building entrance, including the yard, unattended by a parent. A safety roof alarm will sound in the event that any person attempts to improperly access the roof.

Your cooperation and respect will help to ensure a positive and enriching Shabbat morning experience for your children at IPM.



Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785